Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find a list of the most frequently asked questions and answers, We want to make sure you know everything you need to know about Negah Scientific Publisher, if you cannot find your question answered here, please contact us at, we are always more than happy to have a friendly chat with our esteemed customer.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions as follows:
How do I submit my order?
If you have any requests on journal issues, please go to Journal Services and fill out the form
If you have any request on author issues, please got to Author Services and fill out the form
How do I pay for the service?
What are the qualifications of your editors?
How much do you charge?
Will you charge taxes?
Do you provide author with an invoice?
Do you guarantee your services?
Is my work kept confidential?
What type of document do you edit?
Do you edit in British or U.S. English?
Do you provide authors with an Editorial Certificate?
Can you give me more information about copyright?